Source: Pages/Budget/Budget.js

import './Budget.css';
import dayjs from 'dayjs';
import IconButton from '@mui/material/IconButton';
import DeleteIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Delete';
import EditTransaction from './Transaction/EditTransaction';
import AddTransaction from './Transaction/AddTransaction';
import Button from '@mui/material/Button';
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { Slider } from '../../Components/Slider';
import { AdapterDayjs } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/AdapterDayjs';
import { LocalizationProvider } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/LocalizationProvider';
import { DatePicker } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/DatePicker';
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/react-fontawesome';
import { faArrowRightLong } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
import { HttpInterface } from '../../Session/HttpInterface';
import { BUDGET, SESSION, EXPENSES, INCOMES } from '../../Session/Session';
import { DataGrid, GridToolbarContainer, GridToolbarExport, gridClasses } from '@mui/x-data-grid';

 * Component which are to be displayed on the budget-page. It contains
 * a Slider component for adjusting the boundary of the budget as well
 * as DatePicker components for adjusting the starting date and ending
 * date of the budget. It also displays DataGrid tables which contains incomes
 * and transactions with the possibility of adding, editing, and deleting
 * a transaction. Lastly, it displays a short summary of the status of the
 * budget as clean text.
export function Budget() {

     * Row cell which contains a button for editing a transaction
     * labeled as an income.
    const editIncomeCell = {
        field: '_links.transaction.href',
        headerName: '',
        sortable: false,
        filterable: false,
        width: 10,
        renderCell: row =>
                data = {row} 
                updateTransaction = {updateTransaction}
                type = {'Income'}

     * Row cell which contains a button for editing a transaction
     * labeled as an expense.
    const editExpenseCell = {
        field: '_links.transaction.href',
        headerName: '',
        sortable: false,
        filterable: false,
        width: 10,
        renderCell: row =>
                data = {row} 
                updateTransaction = {updateTransaction}
                type = {'Expense'}

     * Row cell which contains a button for deleting a transaction.
    const deleteCell = {
        field: '_links.self.href',
        headerName: '',
        sortable: false,
        filterable: false,
        width: 10,
        renderCell: row =>
            <IconButton onClick = {() => onDelClick(}>
                <DeleteIcon color = "error" />

     * Row cells which contains the name, date, and value of an income
     * as well as the edit button and the delete button.
    const incomeColumns = [
        {field: 'tname', headerName: 'Title', width: 122},
        {field: 'date', headerName: 'Date', width: 98},
        {field: 'value', headerName: 'Price', width: 72},

     * Row cells which contains the name, date, and value of an expense
     * as well as the edit button and the delete button.
    const expenseColumns = [
        {field: 'tname', headerName: 'Title', width: 122},
        {field: 'date', headerName: 'Date', width: 98},
        {field: 'value', headerName: 'Price', width: 72},

    /** Array of all transactions categorized as expenses. */
    const [expenses, setExpenses] = useState([]);

    /** Array of all transactions categorized as incomes. */
    const [incomes,  setIncomes]  = useState([]);

    /** Sum of all income transactions. */
    const [totalIncome, setTotalIncome] = useState();

    /** Sum of all expense transactions. */
    const [totalExpense, setTotalExpense] = useState();

    /** Start-date of the budget. */
    const [budgetStartDate, setBudgetStartDate] = useState('2023-03-22');

    /** Start-date of the budget. */
    const [budgetEndDate, setBudgetEndDate] = useState('2023-03-22');

     * Fetches all expenses associated with the budget ordered by
     * the date of the transactions. Since each expense is stored
     * in the database with a negative value, each transaction is
     * iterated through in order to convert the value into a positive
     * integer instead.
    const getExpenses = async () => {

        /** Retrieves the array of expenses from the HTTP Interface. */
        const exp = await HttpInterface.fetchAllExpenses2();
        if (exp !== undefined) {

            /* Iterates through each element in the array. */
            for (let trans of exp) {

                /* Iterates through each field of the given transaction object. */
                for (let field in trans) {

                    /* If the field is a number, the value is multiplied with -1. */
                    if (!isNaN(trans[field])) {
                        trans[field] = trans[field] * -1;

            /* Updates the expenses variable. */

     * Fetches all incomes associated with the budget ordered by
     * the date of the transactions.
    const getIncomes = async () => {

        /** Retrieves the array of incomes from the HTTP Interface. */
        const inc = await HttpInterface.fetchAllIncomes2();

        /* Updates the incomes variable. */

     * Updates a given transaction with new data. The new transaction
     * is forwarded to the HTTP Interface, which again sends a /PUT 
     * request to the server.
     * @param trans The new transaction.
     * @param link  The link to the transaction.
     * @param type  The type of the transaction which is either "Income" or "Expense".
    const updateTransaction = (trans, link, type) => {

        /* If the transaction is an expense, the value is turned to a negative number. */
        if (type === 'Expense') {
            trans.value = trans.value * (-1);

        /* Splits the provided link at each '/'. */
        let splitted = link.split('/');

        /* Retrieves the ID of the transaction which is after the last '/'. */
        let transactionId = Number(splitted[splitted.length - 1]);

        /** The updated transaction on a format which can be sent to the server. */
        const newTransaction = {
            name: trans.tname,
            value: Number(trans.value),
            description: trans.description,
            bid: Number(BUDGET.budgetId)

        /* HTTP Interface makes a /PUT request to the server with the ID and the new transaction. */
        HttpInterface.updateTransaction(transactionId, newTransaction);

        /* Fetches the expenses and incomes again. */

     * Adds a new transaction to the budget. The transaction is forwarded to the
     * HTTP Interface which again sends a /POST request to the server.
    const addTransaction = (trans, type) => {

        /* If the transaction is an expense, the value is turned to a negative number. */
        if (type === 'Expense') {
            trans.value = trans.value * (-1);

        /** The new transaction on a format which can be sent to the server. */
        const newTransaction = {
            name: trans.tname,
            value: Number(trans.value),
            description: trans.description,
            bid: Number(BUDGET.budgetId)

        /* HTTP Interface makes a /POST request to the server with the new transaction. */

        /* Fetches the expenses and incomes again. */

     * Deletes a given transaction by having the HTTP Interface send a /DELETE
     * request to the server.
     * @param link The link to the transaction to be deleted.
    const onDelClick = (link) => {

        /* Prompts the user to confirm deletion. */
        const confirmed = window.confirm("Delete this transaction?");

        if (confirmed) {

            /* Retrieves the ID of the transaction from the link. */
            let splitted = link.split('/');
            let transactionId = Number(splitted[splitted.length - 1]);

            /* HTTP Interface makes a /DELETE request to the server of the given transaction. */

     * Updates the budget upon pressing the apply changes button by updating
     * the start- and end-date and having the HTTP Interface send a /PUT request
     * to the server.
    const handleApply = () => {

     * Updates the values which are to be displayed in the summary of
     * the budget status.
    const updateStatus = () => {
        let sumExp = 0;
        let sumInc = 0;

        /* Sums all expense values. */
        for (let e of EXPENSES) {
            sumExp += e.value;

        /* Sums all income values. */
        for (let i of INCOMES) {
            sumInc += i.value;

        /* Updates the totalExpense and totalIncome variables. */
        setTotalExpense(sumExp * (-1));

     * Updates the start- and ending-date of the budget.
    const updateBudgetDates = () => {
        let start = BUDGET.getStartDate();
        let end = BUDGET.getEndDate();

     * Activates upon changing the date in the DatePicker
     * for budget start-date.
     * @param {String} value The new date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
    const updateBudgetStartDate = (value) => {

     * Activates upon changing the date in the DatePicker
     * for budget end-date.
     * @param {String} value The new date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
    const updateBudgetEndDate = (value) => {

     * UseEffect hook which activates upon changes
     * to the incomes or expenses variables. Upon
     * activation, it refreshes all data which are to
     * be displayed on the budget-page.
    useEffect( () => {
        let interval = setInterval(() => {
            if (SESSION.getAuth()) {
        }, 10);
    }, [incomes, expenses]);

            <div id="expense-container">
                <h2 id="expense-container-label">Expense</h2>
                <div style={{ minHeight: '100%', maxHeight: '100%', width: '100%' }}>
                        rows = {expenses}
                        autoHeight = {true}
                        getRowHeight={({ id, densityFactor }) => {
                            if (expenses.length %2 !== 0 && id == expenses[expenses.length - 1]._links.self.href) {
                              return 104 * densityFactor;
                            return null;
                        columns = {expenseColumns}
                        disableRowSelectionOnClick = {true}
                        getRowId = {row => row._links.self.href}
                        components = {{Toolbar: CustomToolbar}}
                            pagination: { paginationModel: { pageSize: 2 } },
                <AddTransaction addTransaction = { addTransaction } type = {'Expense'}/>
            <div id="income-container">
                <h2 id="income-container-label">Income</h2>
                <div style={{  minHeight: '100%', maxHeight: '100%', width: '100%' }}>
                        rows = {incomes}
                        autoHeight = {true}
                        getRowHeight={({ id, densityFactor }) => {
                            if (incomes.length %2 !== 0 && id == incomes[incomes.length - 1]._links.self.href ) {
                              return 104 * densityFactor;
                            return null;
                        columns = {incomeColumns}
                        disableRowSelectionOnClick = {true}
                        getRowId = {row => row._links.self.href}
                        components = {{Toolbar: CustomToolbar}}
                            pagination: { paginationModel: { pageSize: 2 } },
                <AddTransaction addTransaction = { addTransaction } type = {'Income'} />
            <div id="budget-margin">
                <h2 id="margin-label">Margin</h2>
                    variant = "contained"
                    onClick = {handleApply}
                    Apply Changes
                <div id="budget-date-range-container">
                    <div id="start-date-container">
                        <LocalizationProvider dateAdapter={AdapterDayjs}>
                                name = "Start"
                                label = "Start"
                                value = {dayjs(budgetStartDate)}
                                onChange = {(value) => updateBudgetStartDate(value.format('YYYY-MM-DD'))}
                                maxDate = {budgetEndDate}

                    <div id="end-date-container">
                        <LocalizationProvider dateAdapter={AdapterDayjs}>
                                name = "End"
                                label = "End"
                                value = {dayjs(budgetEndDate)}
                                onChange = {(value) => updateBudgetEndDate(value.format('YYYY-MM-DD'))}
                                minDate = {budgetStartDate}
            <div id="date-range-divider">
                    <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faArrowRightLong} id="arrow"/>
            <div id="status-container">
                <h2 id="status-container-label">Staus</h2>
                <p>Total income: <i id="total-income"> KR {totalIncome}</i></p>
                <p>Total expense: <i id="total-expense"> KR {totalExpense}</i></p>
                <p>Budget spendings: <i id="budget-spendings"> KR {totalExpense - totalIncome} / {BUDGET.getBoundary()}</i></p>
                <p>Margin: <i id="margin"> KR {BUDGET.getBoundary() + totalIncome - totalExpense}</i></p>

 * Customized ToolBar component for the DataGrid components which
 * displays the transactions.
function CustomToolbar() {
    return (
            className = {gridClasses.toolbarContainer}>
            <GridToolbarExport />