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- AccountCredentials - Class in no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity
Represents the account credentials entity that contains the user's login information such as username and password.
- AccountCredentials() - Constructor for class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.AccountCredentials
- addBudget(BudgetCredentials) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.web.api.BudgetController
Adds a new budget to the system using the BudgetService and returns an appropriate HTTP response.
- addTransaction(TransactionCredentials) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.web.api.TransactionController
Adds a new transaction to the system using the TransactionService and returns an appropriate HTTP response.
- addUser(UserCredentials) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.web.api.UserController
Adds a new user to the system using the UserService and returns an appropriate HTTP response.
- AuthenticationFilter - Class in no.idata1002.group19
Represents an filter class to authenticate all other incoming requests.The AuthencticationFilter class extends Spring Security's OncePerRequestFilter interface that provides doFilterInternal method where the authentication is implemented.
- AuthenticationFilter() - Constructor for class no.idata1002.group19.AuthenticationFilter
- AuthEntryPoint - Class in no.idata1002.group19
Represents an component that implements the AuthenticationEntryPoint interface.
- AuthEntryPoint() - Constructor for class no.idata1002.group19.AuthEntryPoint
- Budget - Class in no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity
Database entitytype representation of a budget.
- Budget() - Constructor for class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.Budget
Empty constructor that is needed for JPA
- Budget(LocalDate, LocalDate, int) - Constructor for class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.Budget
Default constructor for budget
- BudgetController - Class in no.idata1002.group19.web.api
Represents a Budget Controller class which provides RESTful services to the Spring Boot application at the /budgets endpoint.
- BudgetController() - Constructor for class no.idata1002.group19.web.api.BudgetController
- BudgetCredentials - Class in no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity
Represents budget credentials, including start and end dates and a boundary value.
- BudgetCredentials() - Constructor for class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.BudgetCredentials
- BudgetingApp - Class in no.idata1002.group19
Budgeting App
- BudgetingApp() - Constructor for class no.idata1002.group19.BudgetingApp
- BudgetRepository - Interface in no.idata1002.group19.domain.repository
A repository for the Budget entity and extends the CrudRepository.
- commence(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, AuthenticationException) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.AuthEntryPoint
- configureGlobal(AuthenticationManagerBuilder) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.SecurityConfig
This method will be called automatically by the framework to find out what authentication to use.
- delete(long) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.web.api.BudgetController
Deletes a budget with the specified ID using the BudgetService and returns an appropriate HTTP response.
- delete(long) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.web.api.TransactionController
Deletes a transaction with the specified ID using the TransactionService and returns an appropriate HTTP response.
- delete(long) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.web.api.UserController
Deletes a user with the specified ID using the UserService and returns an appropriate HTTP response.
- doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.AuthenticationFilter
- filterChain(HttpSecurity) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.SecurityConfig
This method will be called automatically by the framework to find out what authentication to use.
- findByUsername(String) - Method in interface no.idata1002.group19.domain.repository.UserRepository
Finds a user by their username.
- getAuthenticationManager() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.web.api.LoginController
Returns the authentication manager.
- getAuthenticationManager(HttpSecurity) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.SecurityConfig
Configures the AuthenticationManager instance and returns it.
- getAuthUser(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.service.JwtService
Validates a JWT which a client has provided in its request header.
- getBid() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.Budget
Returns the id of budget.
- getBid() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.TransactionCredentials
Gets the budget ID of the transaction.
- getBid() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.UserCredentials
Returns the budget ID of this UserCredentials object.
- getBoundary() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.Budget
Returns the boundary of the budget.
- getBoundary() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.BudgetCredentials
Gets the boundary value for the budget.
- getBudget() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.Transaction
- getBudget() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.User
Return budget
- getBudgetByUsername(String) - Method in interface no.idata1002.group19.domain.repository.UserRepository
Retrieves the budget ID associated with the given username.
- getBudgets() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.web.api.BudgetController
Retrieves a list of all budgets from the TransactionService and returns them as an HTTP response.
- getDate() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.Transaction
Returns the date of the transaction.
- getDate() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.TransactionCredentials
Gets the date of the transaction.
- getDates(long) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.web.api.TransactionController
Retrieves a list of all unique transaction dates for a specific budget from TransactionRepository and returns them as an HTTP response.
- getDescription() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.Transaction
Returns the description of the transaction.
- getDescription() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.TransactionCredentials
Gets the description of the transaction.
- getEndDate() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.Budget
Returns the end date of the budget.
- getEndDate() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.BudgetCredentials
Gets the end date of the budget period.
- getExpensesByBudgetIdOrderByDateAsc(int) - Method in interface no.idata1002.group19.domain.repository.TransactionRepository
Retrieves all expenses for a given budget, ordered by date in ascending order.
- getExpensesById(String) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.web.api.TransactionController
Retrieves a list of all transaction from the TransactionService and returns them as an HTTP response.
- getId() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.User
Returns the user id.
- getIncomesByBudgetIdOrderByDateAsc(int) - Method in interface no.idata1002.group19.domain.repository.TransactionRepository
Retrieves all incomes for a given budget, ordered by date in ascending order.
- getIncomesById(String) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.web.api.TransactionController
Retrieves a list of all incomes from a budget with the specified id from the TransactionService and returns them as an HTTP response.
- getName() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.TransactionCredentials
Gets the name of the transaction.
- getPassword() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.AccountCredentials
Gets the password of the user.
- getPassword() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.User
Returns password.
- getPassword() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.UserCredentials
Returns the password of this UserCredentials object.
- getRole() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.User
Return role
- getRole() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.UserCredentials
Returns the role of this UserCredentials object.
- getStartDate() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.Budget
Returns the start date of the budget
- getStartDate() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.BudgetCredentials
Gets the start date of the budget period.
- getTid() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.Transaction
Returns the id of transaction.
- getTname() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.Transaction
Returns the name of the transaction.
- getToken(String) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.service.JwtService
Generates a JWT Token with the given username and expiration time which are to be returned to the client upon authorization.
- getToken(AccountCredentials) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.web.api.LoginController
Receives an HTTP POST request with the user's credentials and authenticates them.
- getTransactionById(long) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.web.api.TransactionController
Retrieves a transaction from TransactionService and returns them as an HTTP response
- getTransactions() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.web.api.TransactionController
Retrieves a list of all transaction from the TransactionService and returns them as an HTTP response.
- getTransactionsDatesByBudgetIdOrderByDateAsc(long) - Method in interface no.idata1002.group19.domain.repository.TransactionRepository
Retrieves all dates for transactions associated with a given budget, ordered by date in ascending order.
- getUserById(long) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.web.api.UserController
Retrieves a user from userRepository and returns them as an HTTP response
- getUsername() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.AccountCredentials
Gets the username of the user.
- getUsername() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.User
Returns user name
- getUsername() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.UserCredentials
Returns the username of this UserCredentials object.
- getUsers() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.web.api.UserController
Retrieves a list of all users from the UserService and returns them as an HTTP response.
- getValue() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.Transaction
Returns the value of the transaction.
- getValue() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.TransactionCredentials
Gets the value of the transaction.
- isValid() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.Budget
Checks whether the budget has a valid start and end date.
- isValid() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.Transaction
Checks if the transaction is valid.
- isValid() - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.User
Checks of the user is valid.
- JwtService - Class in no.idata1002.group19.service
Represents an JSON Web Token (JWT) service which generates JWT Tokens upon user authentication, and to validate JWTs provided by the client to ensure the credibility of the given requests.
- JwtService() - Constructor for class no.idata1002.group19.service.JwtService
- loadUserByUsername(String) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.service.UserDetailsServiceImpl
- LoginController - Class in no.idata1002.group19.web.api
Represents a Login Controller class that provides RESTful services to the /login endpoint with HTTP /POST mapping for login requests.
- LoginController() - Constructor for class no.idata1002.group19.web.api.LoginController
- main(String[]) - Static method in class no.idata1002.group19.BudgetingApp
Main method which is called upon application startup.
- no.idata1002.group19 - package no.idata1002.group19
- no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity - package no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity
- no.idata1002.group19.domain.repository - package no.idata1002.group19.domain.repository
- no.idata1002.group19.service - package no.idata1002.group19.service
- no.idata1002.group19.web.api - package no.idata1002.group19.web.api
- run(String...) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.BudgetingApp
Initializing method inherited from the CommandLineRunner interface.
- SecurityConfig - Class in no.idata1002.group19
Represents security configuration class for Spring Security, the class is responsible for configuring the security settings and the components of the application.
- SecurityConfig() - Constructor for class no.idata1002.group19.SecurityConfig
- setBid(long) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.Budget
Sets the id of budget
- setBid(long) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.TransactionCredentials
Sets the budget ID of the transaction.
- setBid(long) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.UserCredentials
Sets the budget ID of this UserCredentials object to the specified value.
- setBoundary(int) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.Budget
Sets boundary of the budget.
- setBoundary(int) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.BudgetCredentials
Sets the boundary value for the budget.
- setBudget(Budget) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.Transaction
- setBudget(Budget) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.User
Setts budget
- setDate(String) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.TransactionCredentials
Sets the date of the transaction.
- setDate(LocalDate) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.Transaction
Setts the date of the transaction.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.Transaction
Setts the description of the transaction.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.TransactionCredentials
Sets the description of the transaction.
- setEndDate(String) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.BudgetCredentials
Sets the end date of the budget period.
- setEndDate(LocalDate) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.Budget
Sets the end date of the budget.
- setId(Long) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.User
Setts the user id
- setName(String) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.TransactionCredentials
Sets the name of the transaction.
- setPassword(String) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.AccountCredentials
Sets the password of the user.
- setPassword(String) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.User
Setts the password for the user.
- setPassword(String) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.UserCredentials
Sets the password of this UserCredentials object to the specified value.
- setRole(String) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.User
Setts the role of the user
- setRole(String) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.UserCredentials
Sets the role of this UserCredentials object to the specified value.
- setStartDate(String) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.BudgetCredentials
Sets the start date of the budget period.
- setStartDate(LocalDate) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.Budget
Sets the start date of the budget.
- setTid(long) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.Transaction
Setts the id of the transaction.
- setTname(String) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.Transaction
Setts the name fo the transaction.
- setUsername(String) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.AccountCredentials
Sets the username of the user.
- setUsername(String) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.User
Setts the username.
- setUsername(String) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.UserCredentials
Sets the username of this UserCredentials object to the specified value.
- setValue(int) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.Transaction
Setts the value of the transaction.
- setValue(int) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.TransactionCredentials
Sets the value of the transaction.
- Transaction - Class in no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity
This class represent Transaction entity.
- Transaction() - Constructor for class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.Transaction
Empty constructor that is needed for JPA
- Transaction(String, int, String, LocalDate, Budget) - Constructor for class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.Transaction
Default constructor for Transaction.
- TransactionController - Class in no.idata1002.group19.web.api
Controller class responsible for providing RESTful services at the /transactions enpoint and its descendant enpoints for API provision of Transaction instances.
- TransactionController() - Constructor for class no.idata1002.group19.web.api.TransactionController
- TransactionCredentials - Class in no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity
Represents the credentials required to create a transaction.
- TransactionCredentials() - Constructor for class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.TransactionCredentials
- TransactionRepository - Interface in no.idata1002.group19.domain.repository
A repository for transactions, which extends CrudRepository.
- update(long, BudgetCredentials) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.web.api.BudgetController
Updates a budget with the specified ID using the BudgetService and returns an appropriate HTTP response.
- update(long, TransactionCredentials) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.web.api.TransactionController
Updates a transaction with the specified ID using the TransactionService and returns an appropriate HTTP response.
- update(long, UserCredentials) - Method in class no.idata1002.group19.web.api.UserController
Updates a user with the specified ID using the UserService and returns an appropriate HTTP response.
- updateBudget(long, LocalDate, LocalDate, int) - Method in interface no.idata1002.group19.domain.repository.BudgetRepository
Updates a Budget's start date, end date, and boundary based on its ID.
- updateTransaction(long, LocalDate, String, String, int) - Method in interface no.idata1002.group19.domain.repository.TransactionRepository
Updates an existing transaction with new information.
- User - Class in no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity
Represent user entity.
- User() - Constructor for class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.User
Empty constructor that is needed for JPA
- User(String, String, String, Budget) - Constructor for class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.User
Default contractor for user.
- UserController - Class in no.idata1002.group19.web.api
Controller class responsible for providing RESTful services for the /users endpoint.
- UserController() - Constructor for class no.idata1002.group19.web.api.UserController
- UserCredentials - Class in no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity
Represents user credentials, including the username, password, role, and budget ID.
- UserCredentials() - Constructor for class no.idata1002.group19.domain.entity.UserCredentials
- UserDetailsServiceImpl - Class in no.idata1002.group19.service
Represents UserDetailsService and implements UserDetailService from Spring Security to provide user authentication and authorization services.
- UserDetailsServiceImpl() - Constructor for class no.idata1002.group19.service.UserDetailsServiceImpl
- UserRepository - Interface in no.idata1002.group19.domain.repository
A repository for User objects, providing CRUD operations and a custom query for finding a user by their username and getting their associated budget ID.
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